About ReportLab

ReportLab was founded in January 2000. The company grew out of a recognition that document-generation technology had not kept pace with the development of the web and that completely new kinds of solutions were not only possible but could transform business processes in powerful ways.

The founders had extensive experience in software development, project management and consultancy with large corporate clients, as well as in the emerging Open Source community. This led to a realisation that IT was not delivering the kind of attractive, relevant output that business and marketing functions needed and that a better way of doing things was possible. Using modern, high-level open source languages, we can now:

  • acquire data and content from any source on any platform
  • create rich, attractive designs to display this data, rather than ugly form letters and database reports
  • deliver through any channel or context - traditional print, creation on demand from the web, or via email

The company has built up a client list including Fidelity Investments, Hilton Hotel Corporation, Hewlett Packard, AIG, Kodak, Jupiter Unit Trusts, Scottish Widows, Charles Stanley (stockbrokers), Allenbridge (financial advisers), and many more.

The group was started under the name "ReportLab Inc" with bases in the New York area and London, but in 2001 all operations were centralised and moved to London, and a few years later ReportLab Inc. was shut down and the UK subsidiary, ReportLab Europe Ltd, took over and became the sole group company.